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Tammy Baldwin is locked in one of the closest Senate races in the nation. The latest polls show this race statistically TIED, and RealClearPolitics just downgraded our race from “Leans Dem” to a "Toss Up." In an election this important, make no mistake: if we lose this seat, we lose the Senate. Chip in to Tammy’s campaign today to help her fight back and protect this seat:

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Press Releases

GIFFORDS PAC Endorses Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate

GIFFORDS PAC Endorses Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate

Today, GIFFORDS PAC, the gun safety organization founded by former

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced their endorsement for Tammy Baldwin’s U.S. Senate reelection campaign.

“Senator Tammy Baldwin has always put the needs of Wisconsinites first, and if reelected, I know she will continue to move her state forward. I served with Tammy in the House and saw firsthand what a deeply committed public servant she is,” said former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. “Over the last two decades, Tammy has worked across the aisle to champion countless issues, including public safety. As a gun owner like myself, she understands that commonsense gun safety laws don’t violate the Second Amendment—they save lives. In the Senate, Tammy has fought tirelessly to close loopholes in our laws that put our communities at risk, and I’m confident she won’t stop pushing for progress on this issue until every child and family across Wisconsin can live free from the threat of senseless violence. I always say that strong women get things done, and I am proud to endorse Senator Baldwin for reelection.” 

“Gun violence in America is a tragic reality that has taken the lives of far too many and impacted so many communities across Wisconsin,” said Tammy Baldwin. “I’m proud to receive the endorsement of GIFFORDS PAC, a leader in the movement to end gun violence across the country. With their support, I am confident that we will find solutions to keep our communities safe and end the gun violence epidemic once and for all.” 

Tammy Baldwin has served Wisconsin in the Senate since 2013. She has worked with Republicans and Democrats to take on the biggest fights and win, passing legislation to promote Made in America manufacturing, lower the price of prescription drugs like insulin, and expand health care for veterans. She is the author of the Women’s Health Protection Act which guarantees equal access to abortion everywhere in the United States.

Learn more about Tammy online at TammyBaldwin.com.